• Mökit

    Leirintäalueella on kuusi mökkiä, joissa on tilaa 2-5 henkilölle. Vanha rajavartioston tupa 1A ja 1B on mahdollista vuokrata kokonaisuutena, johon sopii tällöin  jopa yhdeksän henkilöä.

  • Vaunupaikat

    Alueella on kahdeksan sähköistettyä asuntovaunu-/matkailuautopaikkaa. Telttapaikat sijaitsevat aivan Vartiolammen rannassa rauhallisella alueella.

  • Kahvio

    Kahviostamme voi hankkia mm. kalastusluvat ja -välineet, pikkupurtavaa ym. asiaan kuuluvaa ja tietysti viimeiset vinkit ja kuulumiset. Kahviossa on keskiolut-oikeudet.

  • Sauna

    Toki meiltä saunakin löytyy, joka on mahdollisuus vuokrata tunniksi kerrallaan. Leirintäalueen asukkaat ovat etusijalla, mutta myös jokivarren asukkaat ovat tervetulleita kylpemään.

  • Vartijalampi

    Vartijalampeen on hyvä pulahtaa hikisen päivän jälkeen.

  • Kalastus

    Kuusingista voi pyytää niitä maankuuluja suurtaimenia. Saaminen onkin monasti ihan eri juttu.


Welcome to the homepage of Kuusinki Campsite!


Kuusinki Campsite is as well known as the river. Its history begins in the 1960s and in the cottages you can sense the atmosphere of the border guards of olden times. The cabins can accommodate 2-9 persons.
In addition to the cabins, the site also has space for caravans and tents.
The campsite is located on dry pine heath only a few hundred metres from the nearest fishing spots at the river. Besides river fishing, one can also try to catch some rainbow trout, trout and whitefish from Lake Vartijalampi.
The lake can be used for other activities as well. The camping site’s historic bath is famous for its soft sauna baths and at the end of a day of fishing it is nice to take a dip in the crystal clear waters of Vartiolampi.
Of course, any catch can be prepared at the campsite’s grill shelter and the meal can be enjoyed in the fantastic atmosphere created by the midnight sun.


In the café, one can purchase fishing licenses and snacks. It also offers fishing equipment and, of course, the hottest tips and news.
After a day of fishing, you can share your experiences with friends in front of a glass of beer or cider as our café is licensed to sell medium strength alcohol.


Our camping site is situated in Kuusamo, about 45 km on road 5 towards Vuotunki, near the Russian border. The campsite cabins can accommodate a total of 25 people. There are cabins for groups consisting of two to nine people.
Kuusinki River

Kuusinki River is well known among fishermen. Only a few rivers can offer fishing experiences and fish as good as Kuusinki. Here you can catch a trout weighing two to seven kilos, or more.
Also, fishermen that fish for grayling can enjoy the river. A skilled fisherman has a good chance of catching fish weighing over a kilo, which means you can easily exceed your trout or grayling record

Contact information

Paljakantie 75, 93800 Kuusamo
Tel. +358 40 772 0606
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Opening hours for summer 2024:

1/6 - 31/8 every day 10 am - 7 pm (9 pm)